Finding The Ideal Photographer : Things You Need To Know Before Hiring One!


In this era where technology is forging ahead rapidly and largely influencing our daily lives, it’s becoming a challenge for the brands to grab the users’ attention. This is primarily because of the declining attention span of internet users: The studies have shown that it has dropped to 8 seconds, down from 12 seconds in 2000.

On this account, it is crucial for the brands to have an effective content strategy to beat the competition that includes having unique visual assets. In a country like Singapore, which is the global business hub, hiring a professional photographer could be the silver lining for your brand to stand apart.

With a lot of commercial photographers in Singapore, it can be hard to pick the right one for your business. In this article, I have explained the things you may want to consider before hiring one so that you don’t regret your decision.

Define Brand Objectives

Whether it’s building your brand identity or driving conversions, have a clear objective for your photo-shoots.

Understand your audience well, set clear brand protocols, brand voice, and develop an effective strategy.


Different photographers have varied skills. You may want to consider looking for professional photographers who are experts in your industry.

This would make it easy for you to explain your requirement and also for the photographers to understand your project.

Website and Social Media Handles

Look at their portfolios to see if they resonate with your defined objectives and if they are a fit for your brand. Another tip would be to check out their blogs/ articles to evaluate their level of proficiency and professionalism.

Look for answers to questions like: Do they do product photography? Are they into architecture photography? Are their photos eye-catching? Do they evoke emotions? Do they tell a story? Are they professional and creative? How engaging is their content on social media channels?

Reach Out

Once you have the answers for the above, make a list of the potential photographers who fit your criteria. Reach out to them and describe your project, set out your goals and expectations clearly, and check how well they understand your requirement.