This is Chethan Jayaramu Commercial Photographer in Singapore. Absolook ID was one of my first interior / commercial photography shoots in Singapore. It was a true delight to capture this beautifully designed showroom nestled in the heart of the city.

The Intent is the Key

Whenever I do commercial photoshoots I thoroughly understand the vision of the client and the objective of shoot, post which I perform a recce of the location and prep my gears for the shoot.

Absolook ID wanted appealing shots to showcase their designs and to foster the connection with their customers, thus creating an enhanced brand value. The client had ravishingly setup their showroom with the mock-up of their interior décor. Right after my conversation with the client and recce, As a commercial Photographer in Singapore, I knew exactly what to capture and was excited to explore the creativity in me.

I believe that you can be highly creative when you listen and look beyond what you merely hear or see. As an architecture photographer I have discovered how essential it is to take some time and perceive the expressions and the stories the place has to offer before you go click.

Below is the photograph of Absolook ID’s finely designed meeting space for carrying out the discussions with their clients. While capturing this shot, my goal was to frame the essence of the space to produce a sense of trust and elegance for customers.

Can you tell what else this photo expresses?

commercial Photographer in Singapore
Interior photographer in Singapore

Pack the Right Gears

 I am very organized when it comes to gears, specifically when I have to shoot for a client. After all, TIME is tremendously valuable; I wouldn’t want to waste it fumbling for things while at shoot. Depending on the type of shoot I have on my schedule, I strictly make sure I have all the required equipment in my bag: though I might have to hunch sometimes. It’s all worth it when you have the best pictures and the client is happy with your work!

Gears I used for this Interior / commercial photography :

Camera :  Nikon D810

Lens.      :  Nikon 14-24mm f/2.8

Tripod   :  Manfrotto 055 Tripod with 3 way head

Experiment… Click… Repeat…

One of the many things that I love about being an interior photographer is the feasibility of doing indefinite experiments with the pictures. Don’t compel yourself into always getting the perfect click, it could get stressful at some point. Instead, take the opportunity to photograph at different angles and compositions. Try using multiple exposures whenever necessary, to bring a balance in bright and dark areas.

This place was lit with the perfect amount of lighting and thus I did not use external light source.

Below is a snap of the bedroom. I used bracketing of 5 exposures for the entire shoot.

Master the Three-wall Shots

Three walled shots could be most pleasing but challenging to get it right. One needs to be extremely careful while capturing three walls in one frame. The photo could look extremely dodgy if the objects are not correctly aligned.

Below is the geometrically aligned three-wall snapshot of the kitchen and dining. Make certain that your camera is perfectly levelled and steady on a tripod when composing this kind of picture.

Interior Photography Singapore

Look for frames and patterns that Elicit Emotions

Look at the image below of the kitchen and dining.

Does it evoke memories of your childhood kitchen where your mom would cook and feed her special savouries? Does it make you envision you having good times together with your loved ones?

Photographer in Singapore

For instance, the living room in the picture below kind of makes me want to revamp my living room.

So, you get my point, don’t you?

As a commercial photographer in Singapore, I thought to bring out the emotions through photographs could be highly influential on the audience in bonding and connecting with the brand.

Architectural photography can be really fun and engrossing and very beneficial in learning photography in depth.

Give the Final Touch for an Enriched effect

 Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Lightroom are the two amazing software I use to edit the images. While keeping the objective in mind, try out the variety of filters and tools they have to offer.

The edited final image of the study room below

Interior Photographer

 Many photographers tend to get engulfed with the entire process of editing, but don’t worry, once you get the hang of the software, it will be as easy as a pie.

Photography is an art and one can get better and master it with experience and learning, that makes me one of the prominent commercial photographer in Singapore.

Watch out this space for more of photography tricks and lessons that I have been picking up all through my journey!

Have any questions? Shoot them right away in the comment section below.